Saturday, May 31, 2008


For many years, centuries, etc. God has been speaking to prophets, apostles, pastors, etc. for His people to stand awaken! The thing now is that time's running out! It's now time to stop, to cease our wicked ways! God's time is now! He has been waiting for US for so much time...and there isn't any much left! YOUTHS!!! GOD IS CALLING US!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He wants to use the youths! He wants to fulfill missions, using us!!!
"My fire is falling down, but my people ((**YOUTHS**)) are not taking it....they're not taking advantage.......they are ignoring it!"
Start working! Start serving! The time is NOW~~~~~~~~Look up....and bow down! The King of kings and Lord of lords is sitting on His throne, MAJESTIC!!"

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